Tuesday, 25 February 2014

TowersNerd Feb Half Term (2014) review

15th February 2014

The sun arose and I was ready, ready for my first TowersNerd meet. Despite my slightly awkward greeting of simply saying "Hello" to receive a few confused looks of 'Who the Hell is she?' before explaining myself, it could have gone much worse. After a quick stop off at the ticket office, where I realised how bad my MAP was, we headed towards the rides. Well, until we saw the CBeebies Land construction and decided to take a little looksy, which mainly consisted of everyone looking over the top which I was too small to do, so had to resort to peeking through the holes left at the bottom and pull myself up over the fence to see the squirrels that had had their nuts removed.

Then, Sonic, Well we attempted it, until it broke down and Pete tried to nab a free fasttrack off the ride assistant, he failed. It was however fixed, and we got a go. Then we took a u-turn and headed towards Katanga Canyon to have a go on Runaway Mine Train, but during the journey we found Jollywood, the Moshi Monsters dancing destination, in which King Nemesis won Blue Jeeper's tears. Then after a bit of ChooChoo-ing and a slow run, we got off RMT to find to our amusement child 'Choo Choo' merch in the shop. Then onto Duel where a battle between myself and Coaster ensued to see who could get the highest score, and we came out with a draw of a minute 23,700 points each. Next, after King Nemesis had a reprimand from Stretchy for ruining the childrens' fun, we did Sub-Terra, then we practically walked onto Nemmy and air, and took a walk to Pizza Pasta for lunch.

After Lunch, the plan was Marauders Mayhem, but for some reason (which I was immensely grateful for, given the amount of Pizza I had) headed on into Sealife instead where Morgan had a slight disagreement with an Octopus, and had to visit medical. Sealife it self was, well, Sealife. After, we headed over to the medical tent to fetch Morgan and see if he needed hospital admission, turns out t'was but a stratch, so we continued on to have a near-death experience on Charlie due to the boat behind us trying to kill us by gradually getting closer and closer, before heading on over to Ice Age, where upon I discovered after hearing stories of Coaster in Blackpool that he was bi (which he denied?). We then proceeded to head back to Nemesis to find only 3 rows were running on one train, so decided to Duel it instead, taking 2 goes this time. The competition between Coaster and myself was rediscovered, and after thrashing him the first time (18,900 to 31,800) I gave him a few more points on the second time (22,000 to 27,000) only to be beaten by Pete who had 32,800.

Finally, we decided that despite the number of rows running Nemesis would be a good finale. So, after joining the queue, and seeing the new restraints on the train in the maintenance shed (which once I got home and looked at TN Live realised had been spotted the first time around many hours before), discussing the ways to paint deathly hallows symbols on the track and being blanked by my brother we got onto Nemmy again which at this point had 4 rows operating rather than the 3 that were operating before. After this, we headed back to Towers Street and poked our noses into Towers Trading, where I got very excited by all the new Oblivion merchandise, especially the bag. After this we started on the trek to the Hotels where I admitted my music tastes and my dislike of beer which allegedly has made me fall in the opinions of some. Once at the hotel, we sat in the Dragon Bar where I met my brother (who had been abandoned by his Towers Street lot) and in the end had to say a sad goodbye to everyone. 

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